Five9 Day EMEA – 10K-Steps for Cancer

Five9 Day EMEA – 10K-Steps for Cancer

Eine Spendenaktion von Maria Cuadrado Bodas

Five9 Day EMEA – 10K-Steps for Cancer

300 € gesammelt

Endet am: 15.09.2023

60 %
60 %

Spendenziel: 500 €

Beschreibung der Aktion

Dear Five9 Team,

The Five9 EMEA Team would like to take this opportunity to give back on 5th September, our Five9 Day in EMEA. This will be the first time ever we are using the EMEA version of Five9 Day to give back.

We would like to show our support and give back to those affected by cancer. That’s why weve decided to collaborate with the German cancer association Deutsche Krebshilfe” and set up our Five9 “10k-Steps for Cancer Challenge for the DACH team.

Every donation counts in the fight against cancer. If you wish to show your support, you can participate and make your donation safely and securely online.

Thank you. We appreciate your support!

Bisherige Spenden

Bisher 4 Spenden

Vielen Dank an alle, die mit ihrer Spende bereits zum Kampf gegen den Krebs beigetragen haben. Beteiligen auch Sie sich an der Spendenaktion - jeder Euro hilft krebskranken Menschen!

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